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Driving Directions

From Nata follow signs on the A1 for Kasane/Kazungula. It is then about 300km to Kasane. This road has a lot of wildlife so driving after dark is not advised. When you come into Kazungula turn left at the Engen garage following signs for Kazungula/Kasane. (If you need to resupply there are shops and fuel stations at the Kazungula junction and then again in Kasane town.) Continue along the A1 until you reach the Chobe National Park access gate. Please alight from your vehicle and sign the book at the office. Your destination is Muchenje. You do not need to pay park fees as you are in transit. Follow the road 60km through the park, note that the speed limit is 80km/h and be careful of animals. When you reach the access gate at Ngoma alight from your vehicle and sign the book at the office. Turn immediately left signposted Mabele/Kavimba/Kachikau/Satua/Parakarungu. Follow the road for 7.2km and turn right into the entrance at the brown SADC signpost Muchenje Campsite and Cottages.

Travel 42km along the cutline towards Kachikau village. This road is comprised of very thick sand and only 4x4s with good clearance are advised. At Kachikau you will join the tar road and continue 31km until you see the sign for Muchenje village. Turn left into the entrance at the brown SADC signpost Muchenje Campsite and Cottages.

Once you have cleared through the border post into Botswana follow the tar road for approximately 200m. Turn immediately right signposted Mabele/Kavimba/Kachikau/Satua/Parakarungu. Follow the road for 7.2km and turn right into the entrance at the brown SADC signpost Muchenje Campsite and Cottages.